Madonna of Soweto |
After the previous
Madonna With Twins post my curiosity was piqued about others, and after I started composing this 'Wordless Wednesday' article, couldn't help but weigh in a bit. It took minimal searching to find a number of 'Madonna and Child' images that were close to the original artwork but I've been more interested in gaining an understanding on how this Holy dyad is depicted and experienced on a larger, more global level -- around the world, and how it reflects those different social and sub/cultural ideas and locations. Below are some of the images I've come across so far -- all linked to the sites where I found them, and you can continue to conduct your own research as well. Also, I don't know enough about the figures to know why some are breastfeeding -- which is what initially caught my attention about the Virgin, while others are not and what the significance of that is within the context, but I'd definitely be interested in finding out. I may do more research if I can get around to it, but in the meantime check this post often, because I may update it when I come across others -- there's a countless amount out there, and they vary even within cultures and within religions. It's so fascinating, and such an awesome example of seeing how these are projected through each creator or on-looker's cultural lens.