
Thursday, March 22, 2012

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Breastfeeding Legislation in Seattle

This important email about the Seattle Women's Commission in the living room of the City Council, showed up on my inbox the other day, and I want to spread the word since it's a chance to voice your thoughts on the importance of women's breastfeeding rights in public spaces:
The Seattle Women's Commission will be introducing legislation to the Seattle City Council Civil Rights committee on April 4, 2012 at 2pm that would protect Breastfeeding Women from discrimination in public places such as restaurants. This legislation would make it illegal for breast feeding women in Seattle to be asked to cover up, leave or move to a more secluded place to breastfeed their babies while in public places.
We would like to invite breastfeeding women to come help us fill City Council Chambers and show the City Council that this issue is important. Breastfeeding provides a healthy start for our children and women who choose to breastfeed should be able to so without facing discrimination by being told to cover up, move or leave public places.
Who should attend?  
Women who are breastfeeding, women who breastfed, partners of women who breastfed, men, women and children and any organizations who support the rights of women! Everyone is invited to come and show the City Council that the rights of women MATTER! 
What can you do to help?  
Spread the word and invite others to attend to show the City Council that breastfeeding women should not have to face discrimination. ATTEND THE CITY COUNCIL BRIEFING on April 4 at 2pm at Seattle City Hall in City Council Chambers, members of the public can offer comments/testimony in support of the legislation in the first 20 minutes of the meeting. Be sure to get there early and sign up and let them know why the right of women to breastfeed their babies are important to you!
The rights of women to breastfeed their babies is important to me, and as I've said before I still believe working to change the foundation of structural and cultural aspects of our society, eradicating the need for laws in place to 'protect breastfeeding women' in public will be our best interest. But the natural and extremely important benefit of breastfeeding for everyone needs this attention at the City Council. RSVP on the Facebook invite page, then go -- Seattle City Hall. 600 4th Ave. I'll see you there!