
Thursday, March 29, 2012

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Breastfeeding FAQs from a NON-Crunchy Sistah (Video)

This is such an great video! This YouTube user talks about her initiation of nursing, and tells us about her progression. She shares that before she became a mom the breastfeeding women around her were all crunchy, granola, hippie-type women she could not identify with -- which reminds me of this article on Black women's personas and breastfeeding -- It Takes All Types. The very encouraging part -- the influence of someone close to her, who changed her views on the way infants were fed, and those progressed form believing breastfeeding was not something she saw herself doing and not knowing much about, to actually doing it, to nursing all four of her children, to it now being something "near and dear" to her heart!

In this video, not only does she give practical advice such as recognizing if baby is receiving enough milk, but she talks about myths, body image, and even discusses breastfeeding while working and going to school.

I'm so happy we have people in our lives close to us that are able to influence us in this way. And I'm so thankful for videos like these I come across, since this is one of the most encouraging ones I've seen. Thank you, YouTuber Ejahi, for uploading this for the world to see!