
Thursday, March 15, 2012

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Breastfeed Ya' Baby (Video)

The Breastfeed Chant is made by the YouTube channel, breasfeedie, and inspired by the adorable baby in the image. The video has a mother, father and even a Lactation Consultant and tells the story of the importance of breastfeeding for health, social and practical reasons, to a skeptical friend.

I couldn't get this catchy song out of my head, and apparently out of my mouth because I gave my nieces and nephew a ride to school, and by the time they got out of the car, my six-year old nephew kept singing 'breastfeed ya' baby'. That made me smile. Gotta start 'em off young. But of course his biggest influence was that he was breastfed for two years -- and he probably still would if he could.

Here are some of the beginning lyrics:

I don't like the look that you're giving me.
Your baby sees your breast, that's not like me.
Oh, really. Well, what is? Something Plastic?
Come on, Kanisha, no need to get drastic.
Well, I can't help it, I'm passionate about it. My breastmilk -- I can't see him without it.
Wait. Let me back up, perhaps you don't understand. So let me break it down for you -- Me and my man, you need to Breastfeed Ya' Baby.