I finished compiling the list of books I've chosen to read and submit as book reports for Doula Certification -- and found an extra along the way.
Part of the requirements for certification is that we choose five texts from the list offered at training and complete book reports. In addition to the ones I previously selected -- Granny Midwives and Black Women Writers, The Archaeology of Mothering and In the Way of Our Grandmothers: A Cultural View of Twentieth-Century Midwifery in Florida, I decided on Motherwit because I'd been wanting to read it for a little while now. I checked it out from the library not so long ago but couldn't find the time to getting around to it before I had to return it so I'm excited to now have my very own copy. The Doula Guide To Birth: Secrets Every Pregnant Woman Should Know, was required reading for training, that I actually never read because I had no idea it was even part of the curriculum until the day of class. Had I not missed this important detail, I would have read it back then, of course. I'm doing so now in an attempt to make up for it after the fact.
Even though The Radical Doula Guide is not a requirement or on the list of texts, I heard about this from a fellow student from the course and wanted to add this to my shelf. I was excited and wondered about other insights that didn't already parallel the politics that I'm used to seeing -- everyday -- in breastfeeding support, and everywhere else. In the description, the Radical Doula explains "The guide provides an introduction to full spectrum doula work—supporting people during all phases of pregnancy, including abortion, miscarriage, birth and adoption—as well as a discussion of how issues like race, class, immigration, gender and more affect our work as doulas", and I just can't resist. I'm a sucker for those politics.
I'm just about finished with In The Way of Our Grandmothers, so I'll have that review around here soon. Next is Motherwit and after I'll take it from there.
Below is the updated list of requirements I'm using to keep track of my progress.

Part of the requirements for certification is that we choose five texts from the list offered at training and complete book reports. In addition to the ones I previously selected -- Granny Midwives and Black Women Writers, The Archaeology of Mothering and In the Way of Our Grandmothers: A Cultural View of Twentieth-Century Midwifery in Florida, I decided on Motherwit because I'd been wanting to read it for a little while now. I checked it out from the library not so long ago but couldn't find the time to getting around to it before I had to return it so I'm excited to now have my very own copy. The Doula Guide To Birth: Secrets Every Pregnant Woman Should Know, was required reading for training, that I actually never read because I had no idea it was even part of the curriculum until the day of class. Had I not missed this important detail, I would have read it back then, of course. I'm doing so now in an attempt to make up for it after the fact.
Even though The Radical Doula Guide is not a requirement or on the list of texts, I heard about this from a fellow student from the course and wanted to add this to my shelf. I was excited and wondered about other insights that didn't already parallel the politics that I'm used to seeing -- everyday -- in breastfeeding support, and everywhere else. In the description, the Radical Doula explains "The guide provides an introduction to full spectrum doula work—supporting people during all phases of pregnancy, including abortion, miscarriage, birth and adoption—as well as a discussion of how issues like race, class, immigration, gender and more affect our work as doulas", and I just can't resist. I'm a sucker for those politics.
I'm just about finished with In The Way of Our Grandmothers, so I'll have that review around here soon. Next is Motherwit and after I'll take it from there.
Below is the updated list of requirements I'm using to keep track of my progress.